Citizens In Power (CIP) is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization. CIP aims at the development of different ramifications of entrepreneurship, education and democratic dialogue in Cyprus and abroad. To achieve those targets CIP has established an on-going collaboration with the majority of Cypriot leading universities, NGOs and research organizations in Cyprus, especially for the development of innovative projects and international trainings or seminars as well as for the deployment of pedagogical educational material, by primarily using web platforms and other technological innovations.


CEPROF is the owner of Escola Profissional de Espinho, a VET school and it was created in 1990. Its vocation is the promotion of school centres and vocational schools. It aims to contribute to the personal and professional skills of learners, preparing them to the job market. It promotes the approach between schools and enterprises and provides learning opportunities according to the local and national needs. The main focus areas of training are the ones related to the Tourism sector, to support the demands of this Industry in the coastal regions from Aveiro and Porto. The focus in technology is also very strong, especially in Mechatronics and Electronics to support the heavy industry region of Porto-Gaia-Ovar. The students are encouraged to participate in contests to present innovative ideas which enable them to develop creativity and entrepreneurship.


The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is a Greek NGO committed to the promotion of innovation and the enhancing of the entrepreneurial spirit. By recognizing entrepreneurship as a crucial factor for the development and cohesion of societies, iED conduct research and they are in position to provide innovative solutions that facilitate the growth of healthy entrepreneurship and promote employment.


Logopsycom is an education innovation center that creates and uses alternative methods or tools (digital or not) to accompany schools, VET centers, educational organizations, youngsters and parents. It was initially created as a care company, specialized on learning disorders, among youngsters, especially in “Dys” (Dyspraxia, Dysphasia, Dyslexia, etc.), also called Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) and therefore always works on the accessibility of content.


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