Escape Room Trends

Escape Room Trends

by iED

Escape rooms are growing more and more popular around the world. They are suitable for people of all ages and of course all genders. Every escape out there gives people a unique opportunity. They get to practice teamwork, they get to enhance their ability to solve problems and of course, create a collaborative spirit between teams.

One of the main reasons as to why escape rooms where created was basically to build teamwork. It is no accident that countless companies out there are using escape rooms as a way to trade their employees and enhance their collaboration spirit.

As a result, there is an entire industry behind escape rooms, and of course, with every industry comes trends. In 2019, escape rooms reached a peak seeing as more and more companies decided to use them for team-building exercises.
The trends that were created in 2019 for escape rooms will of course carry on in 2020 and probably 2021. With this article, we will try to present the five most important escape room industry trends that you will need to watch out for.

it is no accident that escape rooms to off fast. In the beginning, the market may have not been ready to accept them but now the competition is growing fast. More and more escapers are being created with more innovative ideas for new rooms that aim to build teamwork.
In bigger capitals and cities we see a rising trend. The most important problem that might be created due to this trend is the price competitiveness and of course, the market expects. To create an escape room, you need to sustain it and of course, promote it. New techniques are being created based on the competition

Innovation is the key and a new trend for every escape room. Especially in those rooms focusing on promoting teamwork and team building for companies. Nowadays, the types of rooms are no longer desirable. On the contrary, companies are looking for something different, something more innovative. It is not always about the quality of the game it is about the impact.

To put it as simple as possible, the change in the market demands elegance, surprise, and of course, innovation. New rooms are being created every single day with completely different ideas, the kinds of ideas one would not expect to see in an escape room.

Escape rooms may have started around 2007 however, the market is still growing even if we have already covered the decade. Seeing as the market is still very young, we can understand why new rooms are always being created. The creation of an escape room is a trend for 2020 and 2021. Statistics do not lie, over 68% of respondents have shown that they visited an escape at least once in 2019.

perhaps the most important trend that was created in 2019 and will continue for the years to come. Safety is important. On a physical level escape rooms require an entire team to be solved. When people are confined in small spaces that have been created to portray actual situations accidents may occur.

Now safety is growing more and more important. A lot of escape rooms owners out there are making changes to ensure the complete physical safety of their visitors no matter what.

Perhaps a trend that is growing faster for pretty much any business out there. A digital presence is important. Of course, the actual escape route cannot possibly become digital and have the same results. A digital escape room that you could visit with potential partners each one entitled with a role could be a great idea.

However, people like the physical presence in an escape. Digital innovation can still exist in this particular case. Nowadays, escape owners are allowing the visitors to book everything through the Internet within just a few minutes.
Innovative websites with a lot of information regarding the rooms and the ability to book everything without having to ward about early payments confusing hours. The most important part about this digital innovation in escape rooms is the ability to give feedback and potential ideas for future rooms.

These are five trends that are able to characterise the revolution of escape rooms during 2019. There is also a great way for us to determine how escape rooms are going to evolve within the next few years as well. They are a great opportunity for companies to build the teamwork of their employees as well as the collaborative spirit between them.

As a business owner, you might want to consider that an escape route could be the best possible way for you to help your employees work with each other, learn how to accept each other’s quirks and personalities, and take the work to the next level.


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