Escape rooms tested in Portugal!
Last December, CEPROF was able to pilot test all of the three scenarios that the team has developed over the course of the Escape Rooms project. The tests took place in three different rooms of a newly renovated hotel in Espinho, Portugal.
In general, everything went well. CEPROF was able to set up and test its cenarios, all in a day’s work. While doing so, the trainers, who also prepared the rooms, watched as the action unfolded and took notes of things that need to be improved on a later stage.
After the testing, the three participants filled an evaluation form with their opinion regarding the three scenarios. This is something that CEPROF is also going to seriously take into account when making improvements to all the rooms.

Three scenarios to foster social entrepreneurship and teamworking skills
In a similar fashion to what happens with the other partners of the consortium of the project, the main goal CEPROF had in mind was to design rooms that promote and instill in its participants a sense of social entrepreneurship.
All three scenarios are connected to a part of Portugal history, culture and financial system.

The first scenario is called “Port wine must be saved!” and puts participants in the role of researchers who have to investigate what caused the infestation of a portion of the vineyard of Taylor’s House. It is suspected that a rival company caused the incident, and the participants, acting as members of the NGO QUERCUS (National Association for Nature Conservation), have one hour to find all evidence to resolve the situation.
“Who stole Fernando Pessoa’s manuscript?” is the title of the second scenario, where the participants discover that a recently discovered manuscript by Fernando Pessoa, one of Portugal’s most well known poets, has been stolen, something that jeopardizes an auction that was going to take place with the profits reverting to an institution of social solitude. The participants have to go inside the director of Fernando Pessoa House’s office and they have one hour to gather the evidence the director has left behind.

The last scenario, “The Bank of Portugal got robbed!”, gives participants the opportunity to take on the roles of members of the judicial police who have to find out the clues that will lead to the arrest of the thieves who stole twenty thousand euros in banknotes. Without that money, the national economy and the sustainable health care promotion investment fund could colapse.

In addition to the already mentioned sense of social entrepreneurship, CEPROF wanted to foster the participants’ teamworking skills and their ability to resolve problems.